Sunday, June 27, 2010

DMZ!!!... Oh yeah, WORLD CUP!!!!!!

So, yesterday we went up to see North Korea :) This train station was built in the hope that one day South Koreans and North Koreans would be traveling freely within their respective territories.

This platform overlooks the Demilitarized zone. From here you can see a small North Korean town, opposing North and South Korean flags, the third largest city in North Korea (which is not big), and plenty of barbed wire and watch towers.

This is City Hall for the South Korea v. Uruguay round of 16 match. IT. WAS. CRAZY.

One other interesting tidbit. When walking anywhere in a city, be aware of your surroundings. Should you at any point lose your focus, you may easily find yourself... being peed on. Last weekend we were visiting the coastal city of Busan. It was a great place:
On our way to watch that, um, spectacle, we were witness to two peculiar parenting practices. The first was a 3-4 year old boy being carried out of a store (while vomiting) to throw up in the street. The second, just outside of a beach-front hotel on a busy street, was an older gentleman instructing a young girl of 5-7 to pee on the sidewalk, a puddle we narrowly avoided.
On our way back from Seoul this weekend, on the subway platform no less, a woman had a young boy pull down his pants and underwear and pee into a pop can.

1 comment:

  1. Well I will try again. I thought I posted a comment for you two. All I can say is that you are receiving an education as much as giving one.Hope you get to see Steven Bancroft when he comes to Japan. Love you guys!
